AI-Empowered Direct Mail Data Pulls
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Could AI Save Your Direct Mail Program?

       According to the Harvard Business Review, organizations that flourished through the last recession focused on two key factors:

Efficiency & Innovation

       As your non-profit faces COVID-19, utilizing innovative technology to maximize your efficiency has never been more important.

       In this white paper:

  • CASE STUDY:  See how AI cut one non-profit's mailing costs by $2,600 while raising an extra $9,000 per mailing - a 121% increase in net funds raised.

  • FREE OFFER DETAILS:  During the COVID-19 crisis, this AI is being offered 100% free to 25 select organizations.  Download the white paper to find out if your organization qualifies.

Alert: 19 of 25 free offers already claimed.


Download The Free White Paper:

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